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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/ -> functions_archive.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * Website: http://www.mybb.com
   7   * License: http://www.mybb.com/about/license
   8   *
   9   */
  11  /**
  12   * Output the archive page header.
  13   *
  14   * @param string $title The page title.
  15   * @param string $fulltitle The full page title.
  16   * @param string $fullurl The full page URL.
  17   */
  18  function archive_header($title="", $fulltitle="", $fullurl="")
  19  {
  20      global $mybb, $lang, $db, $nav, $archiveurl, $sent_header;
  22      // Build the archive navigation.
  23      $nav = archive_navigation();
  25      // If there is a title, append it to the bbname.
  26      if(!$title)
  27      {
  28          $title = $mybb->settings['bbname'];
  29      }
  30      else
  31      {
  32          $title = $mybb->settings['bbname']." - ".$title;
  33      }
  35      // If the language doesn't have a charset, make it UTF-8.
  36      if($lang->settings['charset'])
  37      {
  38          $charset = $lang->settings['charset'];
  39      }
  40      else
  41      {
  42          $charset = "utf-8";
  43      }
  45      $dir = '';
  46      if($lang->settings['rtl'] == 1)
  47      {
  48          $dir = " dir=\"rtl\"";
  49      }
  51      if($lang->settings['htmllang'])
  52      {
  53          $htmllang = " xml:lang=\"".$lang->settings['htmllang']."\" lang=\"".$lang->settings['htmllang']."\"";
  54      }
  55      else
  56      {
  57          $htmllang = " xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"";
  58      }
  59  ?>
  60  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  61  <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"<?php echo $dir; echo $htmllang; ?>>
  62  <head>
  63  <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
  64  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $charset; ?>" />
  65  <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
  66  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $archiveurl; ?>/screen.css" media="screen" />
  67  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $archiveurl; ?>/print.css" media="print" />
  68  </head>
  69  <body>
  70  <div id="container">
  71  <h1><a href="<?php echo $mybb->settings['bburl']; ?>/index.php"><?php echo $mybb->settings['bbname_orig']; ?></a></h1>
  72  <div class="navigation"><?php echo $nav; ?></div>
  73  <div id="fullversion"><strong><?php echo $lang->archive_fullversion; ?></strong> <a href="<?php echo $fullurl; ?>"><?php echo $fulltitle; ?></a></div>
  74  <div id="infobox"><?php echo $lang->sprintf($lang->archive_note, $fullurl); ?></div>
  75  <div id="content">
  76  <?php
  77      $sent_header = 1;
  78  }
  80  /**
  81   * Build the archive navigation.
  82   *
  83   * @return string The build navigation
  84   */
  85  function archive_navigation()
  86  {
  87      global $navbits, $mybb, $lang;
  89      $navsep = " &gt; ";
  90      $nav = $activesep = '';
  91      if(is_array($navbits))
  92      {
  93          reset($navbits);
  94          foreach($navbits as $key => $navbit)
  95          {
  96              if(!empty($navbits[$key+1]))
  97              {
  98                  if(!empty($navbits[$key+2]))
  99                  {
 100                      $sep = $navsep;
 101                  }
 102                  else
 103                  {
 104                      $sep = "";
 105                  }
 106                  $nav .= "<a href=\"".$navbit['url']."\">".$navbit['name']."</a>$sep";
 107              }
 108          }
 109          $navsize = count($navbits);
 110          $navbit = $navbits[$navsize-1];
 111      }
 112      if(!empty($nav))
 113      {
 114          $activesep = $navsep;
 115      }
 116      $nav .= $activesep.$navbit['name'];
 118      return $nav;
 119  }
 121  /**
 122   * Output multipage navigation.
 123   *
 124   * @param int $count The total number of items.
 125   * @param int $perpage The items per page.
 126   * @param int $page The current page.
 127   * @param string $url The URL base.
 128  */
 129  function archive_multipage($count, $perpage, $page, $url)
 130  {
 131      global $lang;
 132      if($count > $perpage)
 133      {
 134          $pages = $count / $perpage;
 135          $pages = ceil($pages);
 137          $mppage = null;
 138          for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; ++$i)
 139          {
 140              if($i == $page)
 141              {
 142                  $mppage .= "<strong>$i</strong> ";
 143              }
 144              else
 145              {
 146                  $mppage .= "<a href=\"$url-$i.html\">$i</a> ";
 147              }
 148          }
 149          $multipage = "<div class=\"multipage\"><strong>".$lang->archive_pages."</strong> $mppage</div>";
 150          echo $multipage;
 151      }
 152  }
 154  /**
 155   * Output the archive footer.
 156   *
 157   */
 158  function archive_footer()
 159  {
 160      global $mybb, $lang, $db, $nav, $maintimer, $fulltitle, $fullurl, $sent_header;
 161      $totaltime = $maintimer->stop();
 162      if($mybb->settings['showvernum'] == 1)
 163      {
 164          $mybbversion = ' '.$mybb->version;
 165      }
 166      else
 167      {
 168          $mybbversion = "";
 169      }
 170  ?>
 171  </div>
 172  <div class="navigation"><?php echo $nav; ?></div>
 173  </div>
 174  <div id="footer">
 175  <?php echo $lang->powered_by; ?> <a href="https://mybb.com">MyBB</a><?php echo $mybbversion; ?>, &copy; 2002-<?php echo date("Y"); ?> <a href="https://mybb.com">MyBB Group</a>
 176  </div>
 177  </body>
 178  </html>
 179  <?php
 180  }
 182  /**
 183   * Output an archive error.
 184   *
 185   * @param string $error The error language string identifier.
 186   */
 187  function archive_error($error)
 188  {
 189      global $lang, $mybb, $sent_header;
 190      if(!$sent_header)
 191      {
 192          archive_header("", $mybb->settings['bbname'], $mybb->settings['bburl']."/index.php");
 193      }
 194  ?>
 195  <div class="error">
 196  <div class="header"><?php echo $lang->error; ?></div>
 197  <div class="message"><?php echo $error; ?></div>
 198  </div>
 199  <?php
 200      archive_footer();
 201      exit;
 202  }
 204  /**
 205   * Ouput a "no permission"page.
 206   */
 207  function archive_error_no_permission()
 208  {
 209      global $lang, $db, $session;
 211      $noperm_array = array (
 212          "nopermission" => '1',
 213          "location1" => 0,
 214          "location2" => 0
 215      );
 217      $db->update_query("sessions", $noperm_array, "sid='{$session->sid}'");
 219      archive_error($lang->archive_nopermission);
 220  }
 222  /**
 223   * Check the password given on a certain forum for validity
 224   *
 225   * @param int $fid The forum ID
 226   * @param int $pid The Parent ID
 227   * @return bool Returns false on failure
 228   */
 229  function check_forum_password_archive($fid, $pid=0)
 230  {
 231      global $forum_cache, $mybb;
 233      if(!is_array($forum_cache))
 234      {
 235          $forum_cache = cache_forums();
 236          if(!$forum_cache)
 237          {
 238              return false;
 239          }
 240      }
 242      if(!forum_password_validated($forum_cache[$fid], true, true))
 243      {
 244          archive_error_no_permission();
 245      }
 246  }

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