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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/ -> functions_image.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * Website: http://www.mybb.com
   7   * License: http://www.mybb.com/about/license
   8   *
   9   */
  11  /**
  12   * Generates a thumbnail based on specified dimensions (supports png, jpg, and gif)
  13   *
  14   * @param string $file the full path to the original image
  15   * @param string $path the directory path to where to save the new image
  16   * @param string $filename the filename to save the new image as
  17   * @param integer $maxheight maximum hight dimension
  18   * @param integer $maxwidth maximum width dimension
  19   * @return array thumbnail on success, error code 4 on failure
  20   */
  21  function generate_thumbnail($file, $path, $filename, $maxheight, $maxwidth)
  22  {
  23      $thumb = array();
  25      if(!function_exists("imagecreate"))
  26      {
  27          $thumb['code'] = 3;
  28          return $thumb;
  29      }
  31      $imgdesc = getimagesize($file);
  32      $imgwidth = $imgdesc[0];
  33      $imgheight = $imgdesc[1];
  34      $imgtype = $imgdesc[2];
  35      $imgattr = $imgdesc[3];
  36      $imgbits = isset($imgdesc['bits']) ? $imgdesc['bits'] : null;
  37      $imgchan = isset($imgdesc['channels']) ? $imgdesc['channels'] : null;
  39      if($imgwidth == 0 || $imgheight == 0)
  40      {
  41          $thumb['code'] = 3;
  42          return $thumb;
  43      }
  44      if(($imgwidth >= $maxwidth) || ($imgheight >= $maxheight))
  45      {
  46          check_thumbnail_memory($imgwidth, $imgheight, $imgtype, $imgbits, $imgchan);
  48          if($imgtype == 3)
  49          {
  50              if(@function_exists("imagecreatefrompng"))
  51              {
  52                  $im = @imagecreatefrompng($file);
  53              }
  54          }
  55          elseif($imgtype == 2)
  56          {
  57              if(@function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg"))
  58              {
  59                  $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
  60              }
  61          }
  62          elseif($imgtype == 1)
  63          {
  64              if(@function_exists("imagecreatefromgif"))
  65              {
  66                  $im = @imagecreatefromgif($file);
  67              }
  68          }
  69          else
  70          {
  71              $thumb['code'] = 3;
  72              return $thumb;
  73          }
  74          if(!$im)
  75          {
  76              $thumb['code'] = 3;
  77              return $thumb;
  78          }
  79          $scale = scale_image($imgwidth, $imgheight, $maxwidth, $maxheight);
  80          $thumbwidth = $scale['width'];
  81          $thumbheight = $scale['height'];
  82          $thumbim = @imagecreatetruecolor($thumbwidth, $thumbheight);
  84          if(!$thumbim)
  85          {
  86              $thumbim = @imagecreate($thumbwidth, $thumbheight);
  87              $resized = true;
  88          }
  90          // Attempt to preserve the transparency if there is any
  91          if($imgtype == 3)
  92          {
  93              // A PNG!
  94              imagealphablending($thumbim, false);
  95              imagefill($thumbim, 0, 0, imagecolorallocatealpha($thumbim, 0, 0, 0, 127));
  97              // Save Alpha...
  98              imagesavealpha($thumbim, true);
  99          }
 100          elseif($imgtype == 1)
 101          {
 102              // Transparent GIF?
 103              $trans_color = imagecolortransparent($im);
 104              if($trans_color >= 0 && $trans_color < imagecolorstotal($im))
 105              {
 106                  $trans = imagecolorsforindex($im, $trans_color);
 107                  $new_trans_color = imagecolorallocate($thumbim, $trans['red'], $trans['blue'], $trans['green']);
 108                  imagefill($thumbim, 0, 0, $new_trans_color);
 109                  imagecolortransparent($thumbim, $new_trans_color);
 110              }
 111          }
 113          if(!isset($resized))
 114          {
 115              @imagecopyresampled($thumbim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $imgwidth, $imgheight);
 116          }
 117          else
 118          {
 119              @imagecopyresized($thumbim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $imgwidth, $imgheight);
 120          }
 121          @imagedestroy($im);
 122          if(!function_exists("imagegif") && $imgtype == 1)
 123          {
 124              $filename = str_replace(".gif", ".jpg", $filename);
 125          }
 126          switch($imgtype)
 127          {
 128              case 1:
 129                  if(function_exists("imagegif"))
 130                  {
 131                      @imagegif($thumbim, $path."/".$filename);
 132                  }
 133                  else
 134                  {
 135                      @imagejpeg($thumbim, $path."/".$filename);
 136                  }
 137                  break;
 138              case 2:
 139                  @imagejpeg($thumbim, $path."/".$filename);
 140                  break;
 141              case 3:
 142                  @imagepng($thumbim, $path."/".$filename);
 143                  break;
 144          }
 145          @my_chmod($path."/".$filename, '0644');
 146          @imagedestroy($thumbim);
 147          $thumb['code'] = 1;
 148          $thumb['filename'] = $filename;
 149          return $thumb;
 150      }
 151      else
 152      {
 153          return array("code" => 4);
 154      }
 155  }
 157  /**
 158   * Attempts to allocate enough memory to generate the thumbnail
 159   *
 160   * @param integer $width width dimension
 161   * @param integer $height height dimension
 162   * @param string $type one of the IMAGETYPE_XXX constants indicating the type of the image
 163   * @param string $bitdepth the bits area the number of bits for each color
 164   * @param string $channels the channels - 3 for RGB pictures and 4 for CMYK pictures
 165   * @return bool
 166   */
 167  function check_thumbnail_memory($width, $height, $type, $bitdepth, $channels)
 168  {
 169      if(!function_exists("memory_get_usage"))
 170      {
 171          return false;
 172      }
 174      $memory_limit = @ini_get("memory_limit");
 175      if(!$memory_limit || $memory_limit == -1)
 176      {
 177          return false;
 178      }
 180      $limit = preg_match("#^([0-9]+)\s?([kmg])b?$#i", trim(my_strtolower($memory_limit)), $matches);
 181      $memory_limit = (int)$memory_limit;
 182      if($matches[1] && $matches[2])
 183      {
 184          switch($matches[2])
 185          {
 186              case "k":
 187                  $memory_limit = $matches[1] * 1024;
 188                  break;
 189              case "m":
 190                  $memory_limit = $matches[1] * 1048576;
 191                  break;
 192              case "g":
 193                  $memory_limit = $matches[1] * 1073741824;
 194          }
 195      }
 196      $current_usage = memory_get_usage();
 197      $free_memory = $memory_limit - $current_usage;
 199      $thumbnail_memory = round(($width * $height * $bitdepth * $channels / 8) * 5);
 200      $thumbnail_memory += 2097152;
 202      if($thumbnail_memory > $free_memory)
 203      {
 204          if($matches[1] && $matches[2])
 205          {
 206              switch($matches[2])
 207              {
 208                  case "k":
 209                      $memory_limit = ceil((($memory_limit+$thumbnail_memory) / 1024))."K";
 210                      break;
 211                  case "m":
 212                      $memory_limit = ceil((($memory_limit+$thumbnail_memory) / 1048576))."M";
 213                      break;
 214                  case "g":
 215                      $memory_limit = ceil((($memory_limit+$thumbnail_memory) / 1073741824))."G";
 216              }
 217          }
 219          @ini_set("memory_limit", $memory_limit);
 220      }
 222      return true;
 223  }
 225  /**
 226   * Figures out the correct dimensions to use
 227   *
 228   * @param integer $width current width dimension
 229   * @param integer $height current height dimension
 230   * @param integer $maxwidth max width dimension
 231   * @param integer $maxheight max height dimension
 232   * @return array correct height & width
 233   */
 234  function scale_image($width, $height, $maxwidth, $maxheight)
 235  {
 236      $width = (int)$width;
 237      $height = (int)$height;
 239      if(!$width) $width = $maxwidth;
 240      if(!$height) $height = $maxheight;
 242      $newwidth = $width;
 243      $newheight = $height;
 245      if($width > $maxwidth)
 246      {
 247          $newwidth = $maxwidth;
 248          $newheight = ceil(($height*(($maxwidth*100)/$width))/100);
 249          $height = $newheight;
 250          $width = $newwidth;
 251      }
 252      if($height > $maxheight)
 253      {
 254          $newheight = $maxheight;
 255          $newwidth = ceil(($width*(($maxheight*100)/$height))/100);
 256      }
 257      $ret['width'] = $newwidth;
 258      $ret['height'] = $newheight;
 259      return $ret;
 260  }

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