var Thread = { init: function() { $(function(){ Thread.quickEdit(); Thread.initQuickReply(); Thread.initMultiQuote(); if(thread_deleted == "1") { $("#quick_reply_form, .new_reply_button, .thread_tools, .inline_rating").hide(); $("#moderator_options_selector option.option_mirage").attr("disabled","disabled"); } visible_replies = parseInt(visible_replies, 10); Thread.splitToolHandler(); if($("#moderator_options_selector").length !== 0) { $("#moderator_options_selector").on('change', function() { $("#moderator_options").trigger('submit'); }); $("#moderator_options").on('submit', function(){ if($("#moderator_options_selector").val() == "") { $.jGrowl(lang.select_tool, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); return false; } }); } // Set spinner image $('#quickreply_spinner img').attr('src', spinner_image); }); }, initMultiQuote: function() { var quoted = Cookie.get('multiquote'); if(quoted) { var post_ids = quoted.split("|"); $.each(post_ids, function(key, value) { var mquote_a = $("#multiquote_"+value).closest('a'); if(mquote_a.length) { mquote_a.removeClass('postbit_multiquote').addClass('postbit_multiquote_on'); } }); var mquote_quick = $('#quickreply_multiquote'); if(mquote_quick.length) {; } } return true; }, multiQuote: function(pid) { var new_post_ids = new Array(); var quoted = Cookie.get("multiquote"); var is_new = true; var deleted = false; if($("#pid" + pid).next("").hasClass('deleted_post')) { $.jGrowl(lang.post_deleted_error, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); deleted = true; } if(quoted && !deleted) { var post_ids = quoted.split("|"); $.each(post_ids, function(key, post_id) { if(post_id != pid && post_id != '') { new_post_ids[new_post_ids.length] = post_id; } else if(post_id == pid) { is_new = false; } }); } var mquote_a = $("#multiquote_"+pid).closest('a') if(is_new == true && !deleted) { new_post_ids[new_post_ids.length] = pid; mquote_a.removeClass('postbit_multiquote').addClass('postbit_multiquote_on'); } else { mquote_a.removeClass('postbit_multiquote_on').addClass('postbit_multiquote'); } var mquote_quick = $('#quickreply_multiquote'); if(mquote_quick.length) { if(new_post_ids.length) {; } else { mquote_quick.hide(); } } Cookie.set("multiquote", new_post_ids.join("|")); }, loadMultiQuoted: function() { if(use_xmlhttprequest == 1) { // Spinner! var mquote_spinner = $('#quickreply_spinner');; $.ajax( { url: 'xmlhttp.php?action=get_multiquoted&load_all=1', type: 'get', complete: function (request, status) { Thread.multiQuotedLoaded(request, status); // Get rid of spinner mquote_spinner.hide(); } }); return false; } else { return true; } }, multiQuotedLoaded: function(request) { var json = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if(typeof json == 'object') { if(json.hasOwnProperty("errors")) { $.each(json.errors, function(i, message) { $.jGrowl(lang.post_fetch_error + ' ' + message, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); }); return false; } } if(typeof MyBBEditor !== 'undefined' && MyBBEditor !== null) { MyBBEditor.insert(json.message); } else { var id = $('#message'); if(id.value) { id.value += "\n"; } id.val(id.val() + json.message); } Thread.clearMultiQuoted(); $('#quickreply_multiquote').hide(); $('#quoted_ids').val('all'); $('#message').trigger('focus'); }, clearMultiQuoted: function() { $('#quickreply_multiquote').hide(); var quoted = Cookie.get("multiquote"); if(quoted) { var post_ids = quoted.split("|"); $.each(post_ids, function(key, post_id) { var mquote_a = $("#multiquote_"+post_id).closest('a'); if(mquote_a.length) { mquote_a.removeClass('postbit_multiquote_on').addClass('postbit_multiquote'); } }); } Cookie.unset('multiquote'); }, quickEdit: function(el) { if(typeof el === 'undefined' || !el.length) el = '.post_body'; $(el).each(function() { // Take pid out of the id attribute id = $(this).attr('id'); pid = id.replace( /[^\d.]/g, ''); $('#pid_' + pid).editable("xmlhttp.php?action=edit_post&do=update_post&pid=" + pid + '&my_post_key=' + my_post_key, { indicator: spinner, loadurl: "xmlhttp.php?action=edit_post&do=get_post&pid=" + pid, type: "textarea", rows: 12, submit: lang.save_changes, cancel: lang.cancel_edit, placeholder: "", event: "edit" + pid, // Triggered by the event "edit_[pid]", onblur: "ignore", dataType: "json", submitdata: function (values, settings) { id = $(this).attr('id'); pid = id.replace( /[^\d.]/g, ''); $("#quickedit_" + pid + "_editreason_original").val($("#quickedit_" + pid + "_editreason").val()); return { editreason: $("#quickedit_" + pid + "_editreason").val() } }, callback: function(values, settings) { id = $(this).attr('id'); pid = id.replace( /[^\d.]/g, ''); var json = JSON.parse(values); if(typeof json == 'object') { if(json.hasOwnProperty("errors")) { $(".jGrowl").jGrowl("close"); $.each(json.errors, function(i, message) { $.jGrowl(lang.quick_edit_update_error + ' ' + message, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); }); $(this).html($('#pid_' + pid + '_temp').html()); } else if(json.hasOwnProperty("moderation_post")) { $(".jGrowl").jGrowl("close"); $(this).html(json.message); // No more posts on this page? (testing for "1" as the last post would be removed here) if($('.post').length == 1) { alert(json.moderation_post); window.location = json.url; } else { $.jGrowl(json.moderation_post, {theme:'jgrowl_success'}); $('#post_' + pid).slideToggle(); } } else if(json.hasOwnProperty("moderation_thread")) { $(".jGrowl").jGrowl("close"); $(this).html(json.message); alert(json.moderation_thread); // Redirect user to forum window.location = json.url; } else { // Change html content $(this).html(json.message); $('#edited_by_' + pid).html(json.editedmsg); } } else { // Change html content $(this).html(json.message); $('#edited_by_' + pid).html(json.editedmsg); } $('#pid_' + pid + '_temp').remove(); } }); }); $('.quick_edit_button').each(function() { $(this).on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Take pid out of the id attribute id = $(this).attr('id'); pid = id.replace( /[^\d.]/g, ''); if($("#pid" + pid).next("").hasClass('deleted_post')) { $.jGrowl(lang.post_deleted_error, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); return false; } // Create a copy of the post if($('#pid_' + pid + '_temp').length == 0) { $('#pid_' + pid).clone().attr('id','pid_' + pid + '_temp').appendTo("body").hide(); } // Trigger the edit event $('#pid_' + pid).trigger("edit" + pid); // Edit Reason $('#pid_' + pid + ' textarea').attr('id', 'quickedit_' + pid); if(allowEditReason == 1 && $('#quickedit_' + pid + '_editreason').length == 0) { edit_el = $('#editreason_' + pid + '_original').clone().attr('id','editreason_' + pid); edit_el.children('#quickedit_' + pid + '_editreason_original').attr('id','quickedit_' + pid + '_editreason'); edit_el.insertAfter('#quickedit_' + pid).show(); } }); }); return false; }, initQuickReply: function() { if($('#quick_reply_form').length && use_xmlhttprequest == 1) { // Bind closing event to our popup menu $('#quick_reply_submit').on('click', function(e) { return Thread.quickReply(e); }); } }, quickReply: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if(this.quick_replying) { return false; } this.quick_replying = 1; var post_body = $('#quick_reply_form').serialize(); // Spinner! var qreply_spinner = $('#quickreply_spinner');; $.ajax( { url: 'newreply.php?ajax=1', type: 'post', data: post_body, dataType: 'html', complete: function (request, status) { Thread.quickReplyDone(request, status); // Get rid of spinner qreply_spinner.hide(); } }); return false; }, quickReplyDone: function(request, status) { this.quick_replying = 0; var json = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if(typeof json == 'object') { if(json.hasOwnProperty("errors")) { $(".jGrowl").jGrowl("close"); $.each(json.errors, function(i, message) { $.jGrowl(lang.quick_reply_post_error + ' ' + message, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); }); $('#quickreply_spinner').hide(); } } if($('#captcha_trow').length) { cap =^([0-9a-zA-Z]+)(\|([0-9a-zA-Z]+)|)<\/captcha>/); if(cap) { =^(.*)<\/captcha>/, ''); if($("#captcha_img").length) { if(cap[1]) { imghash = cap[1]; $('#imagehash').val(imghash); if(cap[3]) { $('#imagestring').attr('type', 'hidden').val(cap[3]); // hide the captcha $('#captcha_trow').hide(); } else { $('#captcha_img').attr('src', "captcha.php?action=regimage&imagehash="+imghash); $('#imagestring').attr('type', 'text').val(''); $('#captcha_trow').show(); } } } } } if(json.hasOwnProperty("errors")) return false; if("post_([0-9]+)"/)) { var pid ="post_([0-9]+)"/)[1]; var post = document.createElement("div"); $('#posts').append(; ++visible_replies; Thread.splitToolHandler(); if (typeof inlineModeration != "undefined") // Guests don't have this object defined $("#inlinemod_" + pid).on('change', inlineModeration.checkItem); Thread.quickEdit("#pid_" + pid); // Eval javascript $("script").each(function(e) { eval($(this).text()); }); $('#quick_reply_form')[0].reset(); var lastpid = $('#lastpid'); if(lastpid.length) { lastpid.val(pid); } } else { // Eval javascript $("script").each(function(e) { eval($(this).text()); }); } $(".jGrowl").jGrowl("close"); }, showIgnoredPost: function(pid) { $('#ignored_post_'+pid).slideToggle("slow"); $('#post_'+pid).slideToggle("slow"); }, showDeletedPost: function(pid) { $('#deleted_post_'+pid).slideToggle("slow"); $('#post_'+pid).slideToggle("slow"); }, deletePost: function(pid) { MyBB.prompt(quickdelete_confirm, { buttons:[ {title: yes_confirm, value: true}, {title: no_confirm, value: false} ], submit: function(e,v,m,f){ if(v == true) { $.ajax( { url: 'editpost.php?ajax=1&action=deletepost&delete=1&my_post_key='+my_post_key+'&pid='+pid, type: 'post', complete: function (request, status) { var json = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if(json.hasOwnProperty("errors")) { $.each(json.errors, function(i, message) { $.jGrowl(lang.quick_delete_error + ' ' + message, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); }); } else if(json.hasOwnProperty("data")) { // Soft deleted if( == 1) { // Change CSS class of div 'post_[pid]' $("#post_"+pid).addClass("unapproved_post deleted_post"); if(json.first == 1) { $("#quick_reply_form, .thread_tools, .new_reply_button, .inline_rating").hide(); $("#moderator_options_selector option.option_mirage").attr("disabled","disabled"); $("#moderator_options_selector option[value='softdeletethread']").val("restorethread").text(lang.restore_thread); thread_deleted = "1"; } $.jGrowl(lang.quick_delete_success, {theme:'jgrowl_success'}); } else if( == 2) { // Actually deleted $('#post_'+pid).slideToggle("slow"); --visible_replies; Thread.splitToolHandler(); $.jGrowl(lang.quick_delete_success, {theme:'jgrowl_success'}); } else if( == 3) { // deleted thread --> redirect if(!json.hasOwnProperty("url")) { $.jGrowl(lang.unknown_error, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); } // set timeout for redirect window.setTimeout(function() { window.location = json.url; }, 3000); // print success message $.jGrowl(lang.quick_delete_thread_success, {theme:'jgrowl_success'}); } } else { $.jGrowl(lang.unknown_error, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); } } }); } } }); return false; }, restorePost: function(pid) { MyBB.prompt(quickrestore_confirm, { buttons:[ {title: yes_confirm, value: true}, {title: no_confirm, value: false} ], submit: function(e,v,m,f){ if(v == true) { $.ajax( { url: 'editpost.php?ajax=1&action=restorepost&restore=1&my_post_key='+my_post_key+'&pid='+pid, type: 'post', complete: function (request, status) { var json = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if(json.hasOwnProperty("errors")) { $.each(json.errors, function(i, message) { $.jGrowl(lang.quick_restore_error + ' ' + message, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); }); } else if(json.hasOwnProperty("data")) { // Change CSS class of div 'post_[pid]' $("#post_"+pid).removeClass("unapproved_post deleted_post"); if(json.first == 1) { $("#quick_reply_form, .thread_tools, .new_reply_button, .inline_rating").show(); $("#moderator_options_selector option.option_mirage").prop("disabled", false); $("#moderator_options_selector option[value='restorethread']").val("softdeletethread").text(lang.softdelete_thread); thread_deleted = ""; } $.jGrowl(lang.quick_restore_success, {theme:'jgrowl_success'}); } else { $.jGrowl(lang.unknown_error, {theme:'jgrowl_error'}); } } }); } } }); return false; }, viewNotes: function(tid) { MyBB.popupWindow("/moderation.php?action=viewthreadnotes&tid="+tid+"&modal=1"); }, splitToolHandler: function() { if($(thread_deleted !== "1" && "#moderator_options_selector").length !== 0){ var splitTool = $("#moderator_options_selector").find("option[value=split]"); if(visible_replies > 0) { splitTool.prop("disabled", false); } else { splitTool.attr("disabled","disabled"); } } } }; Thread.init();